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Massachusetts Construction Worker Dies After Lift Collapse


There’s no doubt that working in construction is risky and dangerous. Some of the most common workplace injuries happen at construction sites. Tragically, many construction accidents, such as the lift accident that occurred recently in Taunton, are fatal.

On Monday, August 17, a 48-year-old man from Taunton, Massachusetts was killed after he fell from a construction lift that tipped over. The man, identified as Kevin Miranda, worked for the Taunton-based construction company Skyline Contracting and Roofing Corp. At the time of the accident, the construction lift was operating on a slope behind St. Mary’s Catholic elementary school as Miranda was inspecting a smokestack. It is currently unclear as to how the lift fell over.

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has opened an investigation into the death to determine how the accident happened and if any regulations were violated. Depending on what OSHA discovers, the employer may be fined and accidents of this nature will hopefully never happen again.

Miranda’s death and the death of construction workers across the country is tragic, unfair, and unexpected. For the families and friends left behind, the emotional toll of losing a loved one can be overwhelming. Financial issues are the last thing you want to think about. Fortunately, workers’ compensation survivor benefits can help ease the financial burden as you grieve the loss of your loved one.

Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Comp Attorney

If your loved one has died in a work-related accident, you could receive compensation to help get your life back on track. You could be entitled to everything from medical coverage, funeral expenses, and weekly workers’ comp benefits. To find out more, contact our legal team at Powers & Caccavale today, by filling out our free case evaluation.
