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What Are My Workers’ Comp Vocational Rehabilitation Rights?


There are many different workers’ comp benefits you’re entitled to other than medical benefits, lost wages, and lump-sum settlements. A helpful service you may be able to take advantage of is vocational rehabilitation. But what exactly is vocational rehabilitation? Are you eligible for this benefit? Speaking with an experienced Massachusetts workers’ comp attorney can answer these questions and more.

What is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Under Massachusetts’ workers’ comp law, vocational rehabilitation consists of programs run by the Department of Industrial Accidents designed to return injured workers to work. The goal is to get injured workers to earn as close as possible to what they were earning before the workplace accident. If you require these services, your workers’ compensation benefits should cover the expenses and provide you with the help you need.

Examples of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

There are a variety of different vocational rehabilitation programs and services you may be entitled to, including:

  • On-the-job training
  • Counseling
  • Resume-writing services
  • Interview coaching
  • Job-search help
  • Job placement
  • Evaluation of your work capacity
  • Workplace modifications
  • Retraining to include the cost of tuition, books, school supplies, etc.

How Do I Receive Vocational Rehabilitation Services?

If your work-related injury prevents you from returning to work, you may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation benefits under workers’ comp insurance. The Department of Industrial Accidents and the Office of Education and Vocational Rehabilitation Services will review your medical records, educational background, employment history, and other factors to determine if you will benefit from vocational rehabilitation.

If you qualify for vocational rehabilitation, you will receive a notice in the mail, which requires you to attend a meeting. If you disregard the notice and do not attend the meeting, your workers’ comp benefits may be suspended or reduced. This is why it’s important to discuss the meeting with a Massachusetts workers’ comp lawyer prior to attending so that you know what to expect, what your options are, and how to proceed.

Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Comp Attorney

Having an experienced attorney on your side through the workers’ compensation claim process will ensure that you make the best decisions possible and receive all the benefits and compensation you deserve. Our attorneys at Powers & Caccavale can help you decide whether vocational rehabilitation is right for you and can guide you through the process of claiming this benefit. If you’ve been injured in a work-related accident and cannot return to work, contact us today for a free case evaluation or call us at (617) 379-0016.
