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Top 10 Most Common Workplace Injuries


Unfortunately, workplace injuries can be a very common occurrence. But which injuries are the most common? The following list will outline the top ten most common workplace injuries. If you’ve been injured in any of these types of accidents, speak to a qualified workers’ comp lawyer to learn about your benefit options.

1. Overexertion

Overexertion accounts for over 25% of all workplace injuries. This occurs when you lift, push, pull, or throw something outside your normal range of motion, or when you pull a muscle. Factory workers and construction workers are at the highest risk of overexertion injuries.

2. Trip, Slip, and Falls

Wet and slippery floors are the most to blame for trip, slip, and fall injuries, which account for nearly 15% of all workplace injuries.

3. Fall to Lower Level

Falling to a lower level can occur when you work on ladders, rooftops, stairways, etc. Common examples of falls to lower levels include: falling down the stairs, falling off a roof, and falling off of scaffolding.

4. Bodily Reaction

Bodily reaction injuries usually occur when you trip or slip, but stop yourself from falling. Common bodily reaction injuries include sprained ankles and knee problems.

5. Struck by Object

Accounting for nearly 9% of all workplace injuries, struck by object injuries occur when objects fall off shelves, or when objects are dropped from a higher level to a lower level.

6. Struck Against Object or Equipment

This injury occurs when you accidentally run or fall into a barricade, cabinet, window, door, etc.  This injury is common because a wide variety of workers can be involved in this type of accident.

7. Vehicle Accidents

Truck drivers, professionals traveling on business, and delivery workers are all at a high risk of being involved in a highway vehicle accident.

8. Machinery Accidents

Heavy machinery can be very dangerous for several reasons. Drilling tools, chainsaws, tractors, nail guns, forklifts, and bulldozers can all cause serious and life-threatening injuries.

9. Repetitive Motion

Workers who perform the same tasks over and over again are at risk of repetitive motion injuries. Common examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and bursitis.These types of injuries occur over a period of time, ranging from months to years.

10. Workplace Violence/Assault

It may seem uncommon, but workplace violence between coworkers can happen. In 2012 the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 375 workers were killed in shootings while on-the-job. Other injuries, such as bruises, cuts, broken bones, and concussions could also be covered by workers’ compensation.

Contact a Massachusetts Workers’ Comp Attorney

If you’ve been injured in any of the top ten workplace accidents, or any other work-related accident, you could be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and more. Speak with one of our trusted lawyers at Powers & Caccavale by filling out our free case evaluation today.
